Student Responsibility

Students should understand their tuition assistance program policy, sponsorship and eligibility criteria.

Prior to the start of the term, students should review their account statement at MyESC, (login required) to confirm that their third-party sponsorship has been applied. Students are expected to make payment arrangements for any remaining balance.

Review all Empire State University terms and conditions for students.


Please ensure that Student Accounts receives the authorization for each term prior to payment due date and include:

  • Sponsored student(s) full name and SUNY Empire identification number
  • The academic term and/or time period covered
  • Amount of the sponsorship or course(s) to be paid
  • Specific billing requirements (tuition only, tuition and fees, books)
  • Billing contact name, phone number, email, and mailing address
  • Signature of authorized sponsor representative

After submitting your authorization, please allow 2-3 business days for the sponsorship memo to be reflected on your account.

If your sponsor does not have a standard authorization, students may submit the PDF below to their sponsor for completion.

Third-Party Sponsorship - Individual Student Authorization (PDF 117kB)

Please send authorization to:

Empire State University
ATTN: Student Accounts
111 West Avenue
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Fax: 518-580-4790


Sponsorships are considered part of a student's overall financial aid package and may impact other forms of financial aid (federal, state and institutional).

If a sponsor does not pay as intended, the student will be responsible for the unpaid amount. The sponsorship memo will be removed from the student’s account, a financial hold will be applied and the student will immediately owe the unpaid charges.

Sponsors will be billed for incurred liability for students who withdraw.

If a sponsorship is contingent upon a specific grade, course completion, or is an employee reimbursement program then students must pay for their enrollment and seek reimbursement from their sponsor. The university offers a time payment plan to assist in paying enrollment charges.

Student’s authorization may be voided if it is altered in any way.

Family Educational Right and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations require schools to have written permission from the eligible student in order to release any information from a student's education record.

  • Note: per 34 CFR §99.31, university staff may disclose education records, without consent, to appropriate parties in connection with a student's financial aid (i.e. a sponsor).


  • SUNY Empire cannot accept third-party sponsorship if it is contingent upon a specific grade or course completion.
  • Employee reimbursement programs are not eligible for deferment.


We’re here to help.

The mission of SUNY Empire’s Student Accounts is to provide the best possible customer service to students, alumni, faculty, and staff. Contact 1Stop Student Services at:

800-847-3000 ext. 2285