Frequently Asked Questions

Below you'll find answers to many of the questions our Steering and Subcommittees have been asked.

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No.  Once we finish the transition in Fall 2024, you will see only SUNY Empire courses when you log into our university's environment. Access to other SUNY campus courses require a separate log in to their site(s).

Many of the differences between the SUNY-wide instance and the new SUNY Empire site will not be immediately visible to most faculty and students (e.g., additional reporting functions for administrators, updated email policies). Your courses will still look the same. The committees are in the early stages of determining which new features will be introduced to our new SUNY empire site. We'll be rolling out more information as it becomes available. 

Students will have access to their courses when Preview Week begins on Tuesday, August 27, 2024. 

Course Requests

You don't need to make additional requests beyond your normal start of term course requests for non-master content (e.g., Independent Studies, Virtual Study Groups, School of Graduate Studies courses, EDPL courses). All content from live term courses taught from Fall 2022 through Summer 2024 and any primaries will be available as a content source. 

The Fall 2024 courses that are part of the bulk copy will be completed seamlessly for all fully online undergraduate and School of Nursing Courses. Instructors teaching  non-master undergraduate (e.g., Independent Studies, Virtual Study Groups, Residencies), and all Educational Planning (EDPL), School of Graduate Studies, School of Labor, and Long Island Business Institute courses need to submit requests noting the content they’d like copied to their course’s section(s). Since we are moving from one instance of Brightspace to another, courses do not need to be converted and cleaned up the way they were when the university migrated from Moodle to Brightspace.

Instructors teaching new courses in Fall 2024 for which the content is not yet developed are advised to develop their content in Word documents until courses become available in the new instance. We anticipate Faculty-owned courses to be available by late July or early August 2024.

Non-credit bearing courses on the SUNY-wide instance will be copied to the new SUNY Empire site for you; no additional requests are needed. A communication will be sent to all instructors/coordinators responsible for these courses when they are available to access and personalize for the Fall 2024 term.


No. Usernames and password information will not change when we move. You'll still be logging in with your single sign-on for the university.     

We are working with the vendor to determine which certificates and badges from your account can be copied from the SUNY-wide instance to the new SUNY Empire account. 

Videos created on Brightspace are stored to your LEARNscape account, which will be available on the new SUNY Empire site. You should not need to personally back up or move your videos.

Emails from the new SUNY Empire enviornment will go to your account ending in

Training & Support

You will not need additional training on how to use the existing features on our current SUNY-wide instance (e.g., discussions, assignments, Quick Eval). Training and support will be provided for any new tools/features as they are identified and rolled out. Instructions on the login process will be provided closer to the switchover date.