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The Global Learning Qualifications Framework (GLQF)

The Global Learning Qualifications Framework (GLQF) is a culmination of research on more than 90 countries’ policies, procedures and qualifications frameworks, the Lumina Foundation’s Degree Qualifications Profile (DQP), the AAC&U’s Liberal Education and America’s Promise (LEAP) project and resulting VALUE Rubrics, as well as other research and materials examining ways in which we can evaluate undergraduate and graduate education.

Through a Lumina Foundation grant, an academic faculty team and an expert team spent more than a year researching, analyzing and theming the data. The resulting meta-analysis provides a framework that can be used to evaluate learning, regardless of when, how or from where the learning was acquired.

In prior learning assessment, the objective is to evaluate the development, integration and application of convergent learning. That is what the GLQF is all about — how a student can reflect upon, self-assess and demonstrate convergent learning and how institutions can recognize, validate and credential that learning.

Further information about the Global Learning Qualifications Framework is located at: