Classified Service

Clerical support positions are the types of positions referred to as "classified service" under New York State Civil Service law. Recruitment procedures for these positions are determined by applicable sections of the civil service law, administrative rules and regulations and agreements negotiated under the laws of New York state recognizing the representation rights of public employees. The classified service is divided into four categories:

  1. Competitive Class: This class includes all positions for which it is practical to determine the merit and fitness of applicants by competitive examination. Most secretarial and clerical positions fall within this class. Only those eligible for transfer, reinstatement or that are reachable on the appropriate civil service list may be considered to fill competitive class civil service vacancies. Promotional examination opportunities are available once a person is employed by a state agency. 
  2. Non-Competitive Class: This class includes those positions for which the state Civil Service Commission has determined that is not practical to hold a competitive examination. The Civil Service Commission prescribes minimum qualifications for these positions in lieu of an examination. 
  3. Labor Class: This class comprises all unskilled labor positions except those at the supervisory level. 
  4. Exempt Class: This class consists of other than unskilled labor positions for which neither competitive examination nor the noncompetitive minimum qualifications are practicable.

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