Microcomputer Applications Summary Form

Summary of Prior Learning - Microcomputer Applications

Students must consult with their mentor about the use of this summary form. This information provides the evaluator with an introduction to your learning. In the interview, the evaluator will ask you questions similar to those given in the Guide to Credit for Prior Learning. If necessary, you and the evaluator may agree on further methods of demonstrating your learning, including a written essay, a demonstration or performance, an examination or a sample of your work. Please attach appropriate documentation to this form.

You will be charged for your assessment of prior learning based on the IEF or IPLA fee structures as seen on www.esc.edu/fees. If your first matriculated enrollment was January 2012 or later, you may incur additional charges for the submission of Individualized Prior Learning Assessments (IPLAs). If your first matriculated enrollment was prior to January 2012, you must have paid the Individual Evaluation Fee (IEF) before this request can be processed.

Please submit two copies of this form and two copies of any attached documentation to:
CDL Assessment Office, Empire State College, 113 West Avenue, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866.

Name:___________________________________________________________ESC ID:______________________


Phone (w)________________ (h)________________ Email Address:________


Please indicate if you are involved in any of the following CDL programs:

____AARP _____AT&T _____Lucent _____United Steelworkers

____Army _____Navy

Credits Requested:________ Level: Intro. or Advanced

Liberal Credit Requested:__________

What computer systems are you familiar with (IBM or IBM compatible; Macintosh; other — please identify):

What operating systems are you familiar with:

What software packages are you familiar with?

Package How learned Years used Hours used/week(avg.)

Work Experience:

Job Title
Years Worked (e.g. 90-95)
Computer Experience

Workshops Attended:

Length of workshop
Year taken

Do you have a computer at home? If so, describe the system and identify the applications you use on it:

Books/ Journals: (identify ones that are part of your personal library/ work library)

If applying for liberal credit, explain