Required and/or Standard Page Elements

SUNY Empire web templates include most of the following, either by default or optionally:

  • Title Bar: the text at the top of the browser window or tab. The contents of the title bar must use this pattern:
    (title of the page, or very similar) | (title of the site, or main section) | SUNY Empire State College
    For example the title bar contains:
    Faculty, Staff and Administration | About | SUNY Empire State College
  • Header: the college logo must be a link to the college homepage and the alternative text for the image must be "SUNY Empire State College."
  • Breadcrumb (not required on all pages): indicates your current location in the site.
  • Navigation (not required on all pages): this contains the given site-menu showing the subpages of the site you are currently in.  Sub pages can be hidden from navigation if you so choose.
  • Page Title: this must be a first-level heading <h1>.
  • Page Body: this is the content of the page.
  • Footer: standard SUNY Empire footer should be visible on all pages.

Exceptions to the college web templates must be authorized by the Office of Communications and Marketing.

IT Service Desk

888-Help-009 (888-435-7009)