Using the GLQF


The eight learning domains with the corresponding descriptors, student prompts and examples of evidence give an advisor/mentor a way to work with students to help them develop an ePortfolio of their learning.

The framework is designed to be open and flexible. The pieces of the framework can be adapted to fit individual advising styles and individual student needs.

The framework is a resource to help talk with students about their learning and how to best document and articulate that learning to be evaluated for college/university-level credits.

Use the framework to initiate a conversation with students and to help them develop their ePortfolio.


The eight learning domains with the corresponding descriptors, student prompts and examples of evidence provide a way to organize an evaluation of a student's learning.

The learning descriptors are very similar to learning outcomes or competencies, but are intended to describe the types of learning to expect when that learning is considered at a college/university level. They are not intended to be a checklist.

Learning descriptors provide an evaluator with a way to think about what types of learning could be there and ways that the observed learning interconnects.

Read through the descriptors when reviewing the student’s ePortfolio. An overlap and interweaving of the descriptors should be echoed in the student’s reflections and provided evidence. The idea is to determine if the student has learning across the eight learning domains and that it is interconnected.

A student's knowledge in a topic is at a college/university level, when the student can demonstrate the convergence of their knowledge and the ability to reflect upon and contextualize it.

An evaluator should be able to see that the student:

  • has some specialized knowledge
  • can apply that knowledge
  • can integrate the knowledge to solve problems and try new ideas
  • can communicate and share information about the topic
  • can find resources and information and use numeracy to expand the knowledge
  • understands the ethics and own responsibilities behind the knowledge and its usage
  • can work with others, understand diverse viewpoints and understand ways that the knowledge is used can impact others and society
  • can engage effective learning strategies to grow in the field continuously.

The task of the evaluator is to determine:

  • if the learning is college/university level
  • if the learning is introductory or advanced
  • the title and credit amount associated with that learning.

To learn more, see the Evaluator Resource Guide.