November 5, 2022

Communicate! Communicate! Communicate!

By: Andrea Piazza, Disability Specialist, Office of Accessibility Resources and Services 

One suggestion we share with students frequently is to communicate with course mentors.  Notify mentors when you have difficulty understanding coursework. Reaching out before the deadline provides the best chance for your success. Mentors may have recommendations or refer you to other resources that may assist with your success. Reach out to your mentors when you are beginning to fall behind as well.  This makes it clear to the mentor you are aware of the course expectations. They may provide recommendations for what you should prioritize. 

Students who may be experiencing barriers, which prevent them from being able to access their courses due to a disability, may qualify for accommodations. Please don’t hesitate to contact the Accessibility Resources and Services Office by calling 800-847-3000, ext. 2244 or emailing the office at to discuss potential resources and accommodations. 


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